
Founded in 1992, ​YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School​’s mission is to empower young adults (18-20 year-olds) to develop skills and connect to opportunities by fostering an environment of love, support, and respect for their whole person. Students graduate high school and successfully transition to college and career as critically conscious leaders, committed to positive change for themselves and their communities.

Guided by our ​mission and ​core values​, YouthBuild Philly provides a rigorous alternative education that activates the capacity of all students to learn, achieve and grow. By creating a nurturing ​climate​, inclusive culture ​and quality ​student leadership experiences​, graduates are poised for career advancement, life-long learning and success.

Climate & Culture

  • Relationship Building​- Programming at YouthBuild Philly centers around building quality relationships (staff-to-student/staff-to-staff/student-to-student) and a cohesive culture among the entire school community.

  • YouthBuild Philly prioritizes growth and accountability by creating a culture of ​restorative practices.

  • Supportive Services & Mentorship​- YouthBuild Philly provides students with staff mentors and a supportive team of Success Managers that connect them with resources and guidance through personal trials and career advancement.

Student Leadership Experiences

  • Community Service​- As part-time ​AmeriCorps members, every student contributes at least 450 hours of service in Philadelphia.

  • Community Change Workshops​- A service learning experience that empowers students by educating them about relevant issues in their community and encouraging them to take action to create positive change.

  • Placement Supports & Career Advancement- ​Students gain invaluable educational, internship, and employment opportunities.

  • Student Voice- ​YouthBuild Philly believes in the importance of creating a culture where students feel empowered to use their voices to advocate for themselves, others and what they believe in.

**To more proactively disseminate our best practices with a wide range of schools and organizations working with opportunity youth, YouthBuild Philly launched ​The Learning Exchange in 2018. This collaborative provides educators and organizations with the tools to successfully implement YouthBuild Philly’s “secret sauce” at their own organizations or schools.

To learn more about YouthBuild Philly and our best practices, please contact:

Robin Walker |
Exchange Director
The Learning Exchange

Scott Emerick |
Executive Director
YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School