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“Breaking Down the Walls between Learning and LIfe!”

Revolution School is a new independent high school in Philadelphia. Our students and teachers are inspired by each other, their world, and what matters. We teach students to collect data to validate and inform their ideas about the world.

Revolution School is a place-based, humanistic, and learner-centered environment.  We believe schools should be empowering (students own their work), integrated (cross-disciplinary rather than silo-ed content), joyous (fun and engaging), and diverse (valuing individuality as strength).  We embody these values through some signature approaches:

Place-Based Learning

The city is our classroom, and students spend up to two full days out of the school building each week working within our network of community partners.. Our students interact with a city rich in history, living science, and vibrant social systems.

Systems Thinking

Our students move from inquiry to impact with a focus on natural, social and technological systems and subsystems. Students learn best when they can situate details within a bigger picture and think through complex challenges. Students learn to ask not just “what?” and “how?” but “why?”

Personal Development

Through a robust advisory program and an intentional wellness focus, our students are part of a healthy and supportive school culture. By promoting empowerment, self-mastery, belonging, purpose, and perspective, the school keeps the focus on emotional and physical health. Culinary arts and nutrition are embedded in the weekly schedule.

Assessing Of/For Learning

Our students curate academic portfolios and participate in regular presentations of learning for authentic audiences. In addition to achieving mastery of core content, they earn credits in Entrepreneurial Mindset, Cultural Competency, and Critical Thinking. If students aren’t ready to show mastery, they receive a “not yet” grade which enables them to revisit the work until they can.

We love to talk about our school and welcome visitors! To learn more about Revolution School, please contact:

Dr. Jane Shore |

Head of Research and Innovation, Revolution School