About TPS:

The first day of school for The Philadelphia School (TPS) was 50 years ago. Today, we remain a leader and whole-hearted champion for the preschool through 8th grade progressive education on which we were founded. We know that when children and teachers are partners in their learning, it brings a deeper understanding and appreciation to their studies. It helps create confident, curious, and compassionate children who advocate for themselves and others. Together, each child progresses forward and finds their place as a learner and as an individual.

And this learning happens EVERYWHERE – in our city, in the country, and in the classroom. Connecting our lessons to the real world helps children connect the dots and understand how they fit into the big picture. It’s how lifelong learners are born. It all happens in a community built upon meaningful relationships that help us all listen, learn, and welcome diverse perspectives. We wonder together, we discover together, we laugh together, we make mistakes together, and we learn together. TPS graduates emerge as confident leaders with a true sense of self and confidence to take on what’s next. We’ve always thought outside of the classroom. We’ll be doing the same for the next 50 years.

Our Philosophy:

The Philadelphia School’s progressive educational approach has deep thinking, innovation, and agency as its guiding principles. We encourage children to explore and push the boundaries of possibility to fulfill their academic, social, and civic potential. We approach learning through inquiry, projects, and community. Core values and new research inform the school’s program and pedagogical practices. Our interdisciplinary, theme-based approach provides the foundation for mastering academics and prepares students for the challenges they will face in the future.

As an urban, preschool–8th grade school, we address specifically how young students develop intellectually,  emotionally, socially, and physically. Through our commitment to diversity, we seek to nurture each student’s moral compass, sense of personal integrity, and respect for individuality. Learning in the city, country, and classroom affirms our founders’ goal of educating children to become responsible and active stewards of the urban and natural environments.

To learn more about our school, please contact: admissions@tpschool.org