
SLA Mission and Vision

• How do we learn?
• What can we create?
• What does it mean to lead?

These three essential questions form the basis of instruction at the Science Leadership Academy (SLA), a Philadelphia high school opened in September 2006. SLA is built on the notion that inquiry is the very first step in the process of learning. Developed in partnership with The Franklin Institute and its commitment to inquiry-based science, SLA provides a vigorous, college-preparatory curriculum with a focus on science, technology, mathematics, and entrepreneurship. Students at SLA learn in a project-based environment where the core values of inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection are emphasized in all classes.

Points of Interest:

  • Inquiry-driven, project-based curriculum with a consistent language across all grades and classes. 

  • Four-year advisory program that ensures consistent advocacy for every student.

  • Four-year informal learning sequence, starting with mini-courses in 9th grade, continuing with Individualized Learning Plans in 10th and 11th grade, and culminating with Senior Capstone in 12th grade.

  • High level of student agency and student voice in all spaces.

  • Innovation 1:1 laptop program that infuses technology into all classes - recognized as the Dell Center of Excellence in Education from 2014 - current. Read more HERE.

  • CTE Programs in Engineering and Digital Video

  • Host of EduCon - a national progressive educational conference run by SLA students, parents and staff. 

  • Staff authors, Matthew Kay - Not Light, but Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom, Chris Lehmann - Building School 2.0: How to Create the Schools We Need, Larissa Pahomov - Authentic Learning in the Digital Age: Engaging Students Through Inquiry - all books built out of the SLA mode

For more information, contact Program Coordinator Jeremy Spry -