
Jubilee’s Mission

Jubilee School provides an environment in which children build upon their wealth of creative, intellectual, social and physical resources as individuals, and as members of a community whose history and culture is the central starting place for their study of the world. By integrating scholarship, social activism and the celebration of their heritage, students gain a sense of the riches of their legacy and the power of their individual and collective voices to affect change in their local and global communities. Our commitment is to provide a rigorous, comprehensive private school education, which is affordable to all, regardless of income.

Students’ Views of Jubilee’s Mission

Jubilee is the type of school every child wants to go to. We learn about our true Black history. We learn who we are, how to think for ourselves and to have great ideas… Our voice is loud and everywhere we like to send a message. (Amea, grade 6)

Jubilee helps children think differently than everybody else. Jubilee is about learning about life and learning about yourself in ways you could never think of. Jubilee helps you to find the radical of everything. (Ade, grade 6)

I think Jubilee School is all about kids finding themselves so that they can go out and make something happen that can benefit the world. (Zayn, grade 5)

At Jubilee you can know who you are. Once people know you, they see your soul. They feel your emotion. (Linah, grade 6)

Jubilee Beliefs About Learning

  • Children learn to respect themselves and others through being respected unconditionally at all times. 

  • All children are curious, want to learn and are by nature complex thinkers, creators and discoverers. The learning process is as natural to children as breathing and growing. Children do not need to be bribed or bullied into learning. 

  • Children are problem solvers by nature and learn from being challenged to solve complex school, community, and problems in the wider world.

  • The arts are central to the learning process.

  • All information has a larger context; knowledge and understanding come through making connections. The more connections across disciplines, the richer the learning experience. 

  • Children learn to respect the opinions of others by being listened to, with a sense that their voices are important. Discussions are a vital means of developing ideas; good questions are vital to rich discussions. 

  • Jubilee is a community of learners made up of students, teachers, staff and parents.

Student Beliefs about Learning(from The Declaration of Principles written by fifth and sixth grade students)

We believe in children. We believe that children can change the future and transform people’s lives. We propose that education should take us to a new level in life, so that we can make history, be leaders and make our ancestors proud.We believe that children should know all of their history. They should know what their ancestors have been through and how they were powerful, fought back and got their freedom. We should learn the heart of history. We need to know the truth about what came before so we can know who we really are and what we were brought on earth to do.