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At Building 21 our mission is to empower networks of learners to connect with their passions and build agency to impact their world. We believe that ALL students  are resilient, and want to achieve. By creating a nurturing community where students feel valued, tapping into students’ passions through personalized learning pathways, and engaging students in  rigorous, relevant, and real life academic experiences, our students will make a positive impact on the world around them.

We achieve our vision by focusing on the following areas:

  • Relationships are at the core of everything that we do

  • Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice

  • Personalized Learning Pathways

  • Project-Based Learning

  • Growth Mindset: Feedback and Reflection

Our Core Values

  • Power
    Power is the ability to achieve purpose. We believe in our individual and collective ability to realize positive change through the just exercise of power.

  • Mindfulness
    Non-judgmental attention to the present moment enables us to look at ourselves honestly. We believe this purposeful reflection promotes empathy towards ourselves and others.

  • Interconnectedness
    Learning involves the connection of ideas, information, people and experiences. We seek to find and build upon the points of connection in ourselves and in our community.

  • Responsibility
    Our actions impact our lives and the lives of others. We challenge and support each other to consider, understand and own the effects of our actions.

  • Courage
    Risk-taking is a critical part of learning. We celebrate the courage necessary for taking risks and persevering through setbacks and failures.

Clarity of intentions, expectations, and feedback ensures that everyone has the power to advance their goals. We strive to be open and honest in all of our communication.

To learn more about our school, please contact Brianne MacNamara, Assistant Principal, at bmacnamara@building21.org.