Reflections from a Year in Collaboration

It has been an exciting first year for the Philadelphia Learning Collaborative (PLC). PLC’s journey as a grassroots nonprofit began with a planning year in 2017, and as a functioning organization in 2018. Our membership includes representation from K-12 schools in the public, private, and charter sectors, the School District of Philadelphia, major universities in the city, and innovative regional and national education nonprofits. 

Delivering quality, relevant education in a big urban city like Philadelphia is hard. We exist to make it easier. One of our biggest learnings from the year is that we can convene multiple and important voices to weigh in on critical issues in education. Funders, policymakers, and others are beginning to seek us out because of it.

PLC, its schools, and their staffs are happy to welcome the slower pace that comes with summer. It’s a great time to do the three Rs - rest, rejuvenate, and reflect on what we’ve accomplished; and to think about our aspirations for the coming academic year. In that spirit, this month’s blog highlights a few of our accomplishments from our first year in operation.

Our biggest learning from the year is that there is power in our diverse voices. Funders, policymakers, and others are beginning to seek us out because we have the power to convene multiple and important voices to weigh in on critical issues in education.

June 2018 

The Barra Foundation’s Catalyst Fund supported four innovative high schools in Philadelphia – Vaux Big Picture, Building 21, Science Leadership Academy and the Workshop School. During the 2017-2018 year, ImpactED, in partnership with the Foundation, engaged in an intensive year of learning about these school models. There’s no single definition of what is meant by an “innovative” approach to education. Successful innovation requires iteration and work to cultivate an environment where both students and educators are encouraged to take necessary risks and learn from their failures. On Monday, June 18, 2018, education leaders gathered for a conversation about what it takes to implement and sustain innovative school models. The following are video presentations by the leaders of each school, describing their school’s values and learning model:

Building 21 | Laura Shubilla on Curriculum & Assessment is Evolving

Science Leadership Academies | Chris Lehmann on Relationships are a Priority

Vaux Big Picture High School | David Bromley on Centering on the Real-World

Workshop School | Matthew Riggan on Tension Between Relationships & Accountability

Hired Collaborative Director, Crystal Cubbage

October 2019

Website Launched: 

December 2019

Concluded a Listening Tour which involved interviewing all member schools to determine their strengths and needs

March 2019

Hosted our first public facing event - Progressive Educators Job Fair

Applied for multiple grants

April 2018

Hired new staff, Monica Lynn, Project Manager

PLC’s First Blog Post

May 2018

Wrote first article highlighting best practices being implemented in our member schools: Supercharged Partnerships in Philly Education: SLA and Braskem

June 2019

Submitted policy statement on Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Chapter 49, a code that deals with Certification of Professional Personnel

PLC's Year in Review

Our plans for the 2019-2020 school year is to continue the work we started, which includes expanding our Progressive Educator Job Fair by adding educational and community building opportunities for progressive educators’ community, and developing and offering a workshop series for teachers having their first year in our buildings.

Happy summer! Please stay tuned and grow with us!

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Infographic DRAFT 4 (2).jpg
Crystal Cubbage